03 May 2008

Rita, we're not in LA anymore!

The other night Ale, Mari, Ferny and I decided to do a Downtown LA bar crawl. We met up at Broadway Bar, then Golden Gopher, took a pit stop to check out Mari's ultra cool loft, then went to one of my favorite bars of all time, BAR 107. Sitting at the bar you see above 3 obscure paintings, a 70's velvet painting of Shafts girlfriend, Fidel Castro's mistress, and a biblical painting in full on rococo fashion. You immediately think, "Rita, we're not in LA anymore!" BUT YOU ARE! You check what's there to drink and you are amazed they not only have Schlitz, PBR and Tecate, but in big cans to boot!! One tall PBR por favor. Pimp Daddy Fernando had a slew of dollar bills and suggested we hit the photo booth. Here's the evidence:

If you are looking for wussy KISS-FM club music, this is not your place. If you are looking for chill DJ spinning everything from Bob Marley to The Clash this is the ticket. There was also this bartender chick that taught Ale and me how to wrap our hair with a chopstick. I wish I remembered her name to credit her. All the other bars including Edison and Pete's Cafe are good to have a drink and nibble, but if you are committed to some down home fun venture to this magnificent dive.

On a side note, Mari and Ferny met for the first time this evening and turned into telenovela lovers by their last photo pic. LOVE YOU GUYS! I have the best friends in the world, hands down!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great black and withe photos! However, I thought you mentioned that Fernando was in the pics... I only see four ladies. The one in the tie is hot!